Saturday, February 17, 2007

Gong hei fat choi

Last night I celebrated Chinese New Year with one of my bestest friends in the world - Amy!
We had a fine old time.

ABOVE: Oh noes! A dragon!

ABOVE: Some shiny-headed dancing fellow.

I didn't make any New Year's Resolutions earlier this year. However, due to certain events, my life has changed radically quite recently. This time, it really does feel like a new year.

New job.

New uni.

New life.

So here are my resolutions:

- Be better at work. Remember the little things, like how many sugars the customer wants in their coffee. Motivation? More hours, and not getting stern talking-to from my large, slightly crazy boss. Yikes.

- Get good grades in uni. Will have to cease YouTube addiction immediately.

- Be more social. Make new friends. I'm shyer than I would rather be. Last night I started this by talking to a guy at a stall I thought was quite cute. We didn't exactly have an enthralling conversation, but it's a start, right?

- Join a band.

- Definitely increase amount of good times. Must see at least one good band, or go to one good show this year.

- Don't look for dates like a ravenous man-eating plant. I've decided that I would ultimately like to stay single for quite a while, but I'm not going to complain if Captain Perfect leaps into my arms (?!) and says, "Hey baby, let's go out for some frozen yoghurt. WINK."

- Become more committed to taekwondo. I was very slack last year. This year, I am becoming a black belt. I want to enter a tournament at least. And WIN.

I think that's about it. Happy Chinese New Year, or Gong Hei Fat Choi if you prefer.

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