I love my living situation at the moment.
I currently live in Nipple St. That's not its real name. Our street name has odd spelling and I mispronounced it as "Nippy". But I thought Nipple St sounded better, so that's what I call it.
The Nipple St house is a huge Queenslander which has been divided into two homes. Josh, a housemate and I live on one side and Josh's (and mine now I spose) good mates Bob and Brendan live on the other side. Bob's girlfriend Kristi pops in a fair bit and I occasionally see a few randos
(see below) partying on down on the couch. It's a fun house full of beer and barbecue.

The beer of choice at Nipple St. Can we get a sponsorship now please?
We spend a lot of time together. For the interests of sociology, I started to document the new emerging linguistics in the house, mainly due to Toowoomba and Bundaberg influences. There are a lot of words we use around each other that I don't think the general public use.
Here are my favourites:
n.Origin: Bob and Brendan.Chaotic, usually refers to partying or some sort of alcohol.
"What are you doing this weekend?"
"I dunno, I might drink some beer and cause a ruckus."
Sometimes an adjective.
"Dude, that's ruckus!"
adj. Origin: Bob and Brendan, possibly some guy they know. Crazy, overwhelming. Something cool.
(while watching the guy from Jackass shove a toy car in his arse) "Woah...ludicrous."
Barpet, Rumpet, Scarpet: n. Origin: Josh's old sharehouse in Toowomba.
For when you spill an alcoholic beverage on the carpet. Barpet is spilt beer, rumpet is spilt rum, scarpet is spilt scotch, you get the idea.
"Look out for that rumpet! It's sticky."
Atom: n. Origin: Josh, apparently a Toowoomba thing.
Refers to Automatic Teller Machine
"I have to get some money from the atom..."
Slutwitch: n. Origin: Everybody who lives on the northside.
The suburb of Lutwyche, which is near Nipple St. Does not have any slutty witches at all.
"Let's go to the bottle-o at Slutwitch."
Rando: n. Origin: Kristi.
Short for "randoms", meaning various people of a miscellaneous nature.
"Hey, there's some rando passed out on the couch."
Cabbage: n. Origin: ??
"We'd better call for some cabbage before we all pass out and die."
Episodes: n. Origin: Bob and Kristi?
TV shows.
"Wanna come over and watch some episodes?"
Cobber: n. Origin: Very old Aussie slang word, revived by Bob and Brendan.
A friend.
"Hey cobber, could you pass me a beer?"
Gee-Day: expression. Origin: Josh
A different way of saying G'day.
"I thought I'd pop round and say gee-day."
What's crackin'?: expression. Origin: ??
A more excellent way of asking "how are you?"
Herro shitty wok, you want some shitty chicken?: expression. Origin: South Park.
A common greeting in the Nipple St house.

Imagine my joy when I found an honest to goodness City Wok in Brisbane!
Bobtunes: n. Origin: Josh
The music Bob plays on his electronic drumkit.
"Oi! Play us some Bobtunes!"
Balls: expression. Origin: Me
The perfect word for just about everything.
"Oh, balls."
"Holy balls!"
"Well I ballsed that up, didn't I."
There are many other words but most of them are fairly incriminating, so let's keep this blog PG for now.
Eventually you end up saying things like
"Gee-Day cobber, what's crackin'? We're causing a ruckus at Nipple St with some randos, watching some episodes and listening to some Bobtunes. Ludicrous! Don't worry about driving, I'll get you some cabbage. Mind the scarpet though."