I say this because one of my classes changed without warning and because my first Journalism Information Systems lecture was moved to another room, without warning!
Other than that, I enjoyed my first day at a new uni. I got to see Nelle, my wife. We got married in Year 10, with a beautiful ceremony in our ugly checkered maroon uniforms. I would love to show it, but someone took a lovely wedding photo of us. I've since lost it, unfortunately. We were hugging, and I have a feeling I was doing the finger because I quite fancied myself a punk rocking rebel back then.
Anyhow, I met up with my dear wife, hung out at the Guild Bar, and ate the best wedges I have ever tasted in my entire life. I also egged her on to go talk to a fellow at a poster stall who she thought was quite rapeable. How does one break the ice? It's a bit difficult. As Nelle was saying herself the other night, our culture is generally a bit too afraid to initiate a conversation with someone. So one could say, "Hello, how are you?" but then there's the fear of that person thinking that you are a bit weird for wanting to talk to a stranger. Especially at a non-social place, like a university.
On another note, I am disappointed to note that the majority of people in my journalism classes are girls; girls in hot pants that seem to all know each other, and talk about their hair or their wildly exciting, drunken trip to Surfer's Paradise. Ladies and gentlemen, the journalists of tomorrow, and the people I will be with for the next three years. I felt a bit left out. The very few males that were there looked a bit scared. Fair enough - if I went into a course where everybody was male, I'd feel a bit intimidated too. Eye candy or not.
On yet another note, I bumped into various people from school or other people I vaguely know. Unfortunately, most are people I wish weren't there. My ex-boyfriend's best friend is in one of my classes. I don't think he liked me very much, and I'm pretty sure he likes me less now that I've broken up with my ex. A once best friend of mine goes there too. I've seen her many, many times, and I've only been to uni twice! We had a bit of a falling out a year ago. How awkward.
Oh well, if the occasion arises, I shall be an adult and say hello. What else can you do? Have a giant scrag fight in the middle of the cafeteria?
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