Good morning! I'm Miss Chicken and here's my blog. Here you will read various things I find interesting enough to write about. I started this purely for the purpose of practising my writing skills on an innocent, unsuspecting public. Watch out!
Anyway, here's a bit about me.
- 18 years old
- does not own a penis
- journalism student
- owns a car named Frog, as it is small and green.
- of the Asian persuasion
Things I think are excellent:
- guitars
- music
- taekwondo
- my friends. Well obviously, it'd be a bit dumb to not think your friends are excellent, wouldn't it?
- Youtube
- spotty things (I mean decoratively, not of the skin)
- Monochrome. I will end up living in a white house with black furniture just to freak myself out.
- laughing
- flailing my arms about in a fit of interpretive dance to illustrate a point
- British comedy
- my friend Linda's letters, always filled with all sorts of interesting things
- Brisbane city
- kitschy Asian stuff
- video games (I own a DS and a Super Nintendo. Currently obsessing over Phoenix Wright)
- Nintendo
- the name Cecil.
Things that I think are lame:
- lack of humour or silliness
- girly stuff. I cannot stand a conversation longer than five minutes about hair or makeup before my brain tries to leak out of my ears
- Asian fetishists
- feminists
- drag racing
- pubic transport (that is not a typo)
- when people do video replies on Youtube, which just consist of some person with a webcam saying, "That video was GAY." What a waste of internet!
- video game console fanboys
- many different varieties of people
- tailgaters
Can't think of much more at the moment, but I'm sure I will later.
Anyway, hi.
Bluesky Now Lets You Hide DMs From Strangers
13 hours ago
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