Traditional margaritas are made up of the following:
(according to the book Retro Cocktails)
2 parts tequila
1 part Cointreau or triple sec
1/2 freshly squeezed lime juice.
Shake with ice and strain. Rim the glass with salt. Easy, right?
Not for my liquor deprived household. My parents are predominantly beer, wine, and scotch-on-the-rocks drinkers. I either drink when I'm out or at other people's houses, so my liquor stash is very minimal. It consists of a bottle of blue label Smirnoff, Jose Cuervo tequila and a horrible honey flavoured vodka.
We do not own a cocktail shaker. We do not own standard shot glasses. We do not have Cointreau or triple sec and Mum had used the last lime to cook!
I ran around the house grabbing things that could be useful. I had to make do with what looks like the love child between a wine glass and a cocktail glass, a double shot glass and a bunch of glasses to make do as a cocktail shaker. I grabbed a bottle of Jose Cuervo's finest, a lemon, orange juice, Cotttees lime cordial and a bottle of Jose Cuervo margarita mix Dad had gotten for Christmas a few years ago.
This man is responsible for many a drunken night. We salute you, Senor Cuervo!
I poured in the ice, tequila, the margarita mix, squeezed the lemon (I suppose it was a bit rich to expect that we owned a fruit muddler) and splashed in some lime cordial over ice. I squeezed a big glass over the thinner one.
"Brilliant," thought I, and began to shake.
I then discovered that there was a particular reason why cocktail shakers were invented, and that was to stop the contents from splashing out all over the floor in a sticky, tequila-y mess.
Nevermind. I tried again, this time mashing everything around with a wooden spoon. I am so professional.
instead of this:

instead of this:
I poured the contents into the weird glass over more ice and filled the rest with orange juice.
It tastes like a sweeter, fruitier version of a real margarita. It's weaker, of course, without the Cointreau/triple sec, and I only used one shot of tequila (hey, I'm only at home, after all. And tequila is precious).
Dan said it's a girlyrita. I prefer to call her Rita.
And there you have it. The story of how an amateur bartender made a pretty nice drink out of minimal household objects.
Note to self: Buy a cocktail shaker next time.
Ellie... I wouldn't be here if I didn't have something ridiculously important to tell you.....
Adam - please do not contact me about personal things over this blog. I don't know if you read my other message to you, but the editor of the magazine I write for reads this blog. I also offered you to contact me on msn if you need to talk to me.
If you don't want to, I would prefer it if you just stopped commenting on my blog altogether. Thanks.
I'd prefer you drop the supercilious posturing, this isn't about you, it's about the most comedic event of our time. I've only just read your message from before, I didn't know any other way to tell you about it, so sorry. If I hadn't told you no one else would. If you're really that paranoid you should just clean up your act.
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