I'm back at uni. You know, you'd think that universities would be a plethora of knowledge and intellectual debate, but the conversations I heard today made me rethink this theory.
1. After reading a highly dull chapter on law in the creative industries, I took a nap on a comfy sofa in the library. However, I was rudely awakened by two girls sitting right next to me (would YOU sit next to a sleeping - possibly snoring - person who hadn't washed her hair for many a day? I think not) and discussing... potatoes. Unfortunately, I am not joking.
They then proceeded to debate about a great event in history - the Irish Potato Famine. "Wasn't that, like, when there were too many potatoes in Ireland?"
No, I think the key word here is "famine".
After attempting to go back to sleep, I awakened yet again by an obviously studly fellow (judging by the sudden increase of giggling) coming to join the two girls. You would think they would talk about other such worldly matters, like politics, philosophy, or how many Jagerbombs they drank on the weekend. But no... They continued their lively discussion about potatoes.
Good lord. I don't deny that potatoes are very tasty, but it seems like a rather odd thing to talk about. Well, at least the youth of tomorrow are passionate about something.
2. I was in the bathroom before, contemplating the complexities of life and cursing my lactose intolerance (I just wanted one coffee!) when I heard two friends having an conversation that obviously summed up their love and affection for each other:
Girl 1: (whining)Why are you taking so long? Why do I always have to wait for you?
Girl 2: Mary?*
Girl 1: Wha-a-at?
Girl 2: Get over it.
Girl 1: Shut up. Fat mole.
Girl 2: Fuck off.
*not real name
Mmm... how sweet.
Bluesky Now Lets You Hide DMs From Strangers
13 hours ago
Dearest Ellie, of http://ellie.isgay.com,
Your words sparkle like gems in a forest. I am not sure when one would ever come across gems in a forest, but shut up.
I would like to express how much I ardently love you, and I believe I can do that in just one sentence. Ready?
"Fuck off you giant hairy gerbil".
Haha Ellie you are EPIC!
That's generally how Katey and I show each other affection - by abusing one another =D
And yeah it seems no matter which uni you go to, there are twats at all!
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